Monday, April 21, 2008

The Report

What's Abd?!!

The Singapore government Ministry of Home Affairs Minister, Wong Kan Seng finally released the much awaited report on Mas Selamat (Jemaah Islamiyah detainee) escape from the Whitley Road Detention Centre (WRDC) on 27 February 2008. The report however, excluded some private information from the public so as to protect the facility and its security systems in place.

It was reported in the findings that Mas Selamat had been brought from the Detention Block to the Visitation Block for visit by his family. Whilst at the Visitation Block, he had requested to be excused to the washroom to relieve himself. He was at that time accompanied by 2 Gurkhas and a Police Officer. Mas Selamat had then closed the door of the cubicle he was in and had subsequently made his getaway through a small opening in the window which had no grilles. It was then assumed that he had escaped from the concrete of the pathway which led to the dense vegetation nearby. The fences covered the surrounding area of the facility but was not barb wired at the concrete. The closed-circuit television (CCTV) was also not functioning at that time as it was undergoing maintenance as reported. His total time for escape, 11 minutes.

It may seem to have appeased majority of Singaporeans but the report and the facility had failed to address several issues. As a detainee, he was not cuffed when he was transferred between buildings. It is Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for all Police Officers to ensure that their accused/ detainees are cuffed at all times except when they are in confinement of their cells. This has just only been addressed by the Minister that it will take effect since the incident.

While it may have been possible for a small size person like Mas Selamat to have escaped through the open window (in which the latch had been sawed off), it would be impossible for him to have made his escape without having made a bit of a noise despite him turning on the tap as a diversion. It would also have not been possible for him to have escaped without getting a piece of his clothing torn as the quality of prison clothings are of low quality and would have been torn at the slightest sharp edge it entangles with. Having made his escape, it is of such coincidence that the CCTV was under maintenance and therefore, not working (this is similar to the 9/11 incident in which the security for 9/11 was 'missing' at the time of the attack).

The report also failed to indicate and inform the public about the height of the toilet window to the ground and the height of the covered pathway in which he could have used for his escape. Height is a determining factor as the detainee is 'vertically challenged'. If the height of both the abovementioned was about 1.8 - 2 metres, it would have been near impossible for Mas Selamat to have climbed out of the window, fell down, recover composure, limped to the concrete wall, climbed up easily and escape all within a space of 11 minutes.

In spite of all that has been said and done, Mas Selamat is still 'nowhere to be found'. More suspicions arise from the fact that the report did not include interviews with his family. The press has never had (been allowed) contact with the family to get their opinion and side of the story for possibility of abetment to escape.

In my latest take on this, I believe that Mas Selamat is still in the WRDC. My newest theory stems from the possibility that the Internal Security Department (ISD) had received information from their sources that the JI network was planning to 'attack' Singapore unless the Mas Selamat was released. Therefore, to accede to such an impossible request while at the same time ensure the safety of Singapore and the continuous detention of Mas Selamat, such a staging was done. But this is one of the many possibilities.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Your Idol!

What's Abd?!!

History is in the making! He had created history with his win and for many, had always been a hero. He was made a bankrupt and had to pay S$233, 255 for libel damages put out against him. He is and has always been a prominent figure in Singapore's history. He is a lawyer. His Anson seat win put him into the limelight. Who am I talking about?

Mr. JB Jeyaretnam!

He's back at age 82! Being made bankrupt didn't stop him. Being barred from the bar didn't stop this man. He never stopped. He never did even when he was made to pay that ridiculous amount of money to the government who had won several legal suits against him for being truthful and for fighting for the rights of Singaporeans.

He's one person all Singaporeans should look up to. He is Singaporean. He is from a minority ehtnic group. Being 82 didn't fail to stop him. Bankruptcy didn't. I wonder what would probably! His comeback would indefinitely signal a change in politics and possibly a change in power in due course of time. I bet the old Lee is scratching his head when he heard news that this old nemesis is back with vengeance and more! He must be thinking of new creative ways to prevent this man from contesting, from speaking and above all, from winning.

A win would signal that Singaporeans believe in him and believe that change is for the better of the economy and society. A win would not justify Lee's policy in maintaining command and control. His fellow technocrat ministers and those educational propaganda sewned out in those classroom lessons would have backfired on him.

The Confucian society that he had built up since independence would have failed him. The Civics and Moral Education classes of respecting elderly and the state and the government would have failed him. Lee's biting his lips and his neck now trying to shake off the neck brace he's wearing that have seem to strangle him. He's half-retired brains now needs to start working again to prevent another loss. Deja vu baby!!

JBJ now smiling at his lucky stars. What a way to get back into politics than on a beautiful full moon. I hear he calls it Reform Party. I hear Reformation! Reformation! Reformation!

Perhaps, it is time for reformation. We've been living under an iron's fist for far too long. But that fist has now seem to rust. JBJ you rock dude! You'd make the greatest grandpa ever! If i join your party, i'd call you 'Atok Jeya'. You make a cool atok then the other one who's wearing a neck brace. If you make it to elections, I'll buy you Teh Tarik larr atok!!!

I'd then sing, "Go play la Jeya Jeya, go play la Jeya Jeyaaa.. I want more teh tarik, go make laa Jeya Jeya".


Monday, April 14, 2008


What's Abd?!!

Public Lecture by Professor Tariq Ramadan
Marina Mandarin
Grand Ballroom
12 April 2008
“Prophet Muhammad's Enduring Message to Humanity”

A Muslim Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) event to the general public audience

I've never been interested in attending such lectures but this lecture would perhaps be the beginning to more such events

The lecture brought a message about what Islam is centered about originally


The meaning and how it can be achieved


Following in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad


How being inclined to sinful activities is normal
Learning how to control and divert attention from Haram to avoid sinning


How you can do your part in changing what is wrong in the community

Trying to attend this lecture was a challenge with Haddad playing Devil's Advocate and with Izzati falling into the trap (Thanks eh! Bubble aku. Aku ingattt!!) I would have not attended this lecture though had Haddad taken my challenge in mustering enough courage to get the mobile number from that Hot Babe who had her order taken in front of him at Long John Silver (I had to get him to do something for me before I could agree not to go right?)

I must admit that in asking him to do so, it was a tough since he only had 20 minutes to do so. I wouldn't have been able to do it either! Not my style either to show confidence but I would have definitely tried (plaster your face to the wall and just do it).

Went for the lecture with R who had so kindly allowed me to tag and sit with her since I knew almost no one there except for Saiful and Hidya and another fellow CCPE and an ex-poly mate, Hafi who happened to be there. Enjoyed the lecture immensely with me scribbling notes down. Not really my style in a lecture but perhaps I should since there weren't any notes. The lecture however did bit me back on a few notes and the pain really hit hard on me. Definitely wasn't easy to listen to something REAL and at the same time, do a self-reflection on your life especially with what has happened in recent months.
Felt like the mirror was just staring at me and I was avoiding the look the mirror had given me.
I should keep myself in check now


Friday, April 11, 2008

False Alarm!

What's Abd?!!
Thank god
It was just a false alarm
The baby - NOT a Dajjal!
'Dajjal' born between Shaam and Iraq has 2 eyes
Of which, his left eye is blind
At his forehead, the words "Kaa" "Faa" "Raa" can be read even by the illiterate
Sorry baby for saying you were one
My bad
Who's the person who sent the emailed out saying this baby was it?
Nora - thanks! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have bothered researching on this.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Judgement Day

Whats Abd?!!

Seems like judgement day is approaching

I shouldn't have to say anymore

The baby,

Isn't written in the Quran that 'Dajjal' has only one eye.

The Jewish Anti Christ



Thursday, April 3, 2008

Halal State

What's Abd?!!
Travelling to Brunei has been a very eventful and cheerful experience.
Surrounded by friends whom I've known only for just a few months but feels like family and enjoying the flora and fauna like a local.
Travelling in the sultanate state is easy IF you have a vehicle. Public transportation is available but I hardly came across one during my stay there.
I did saw bus stands eventually but did not see cabs or buses that ever so often I see in Singapore.
Indeed, Brunei seems a lot like a land of opportunities for businesses.
The weird working days for government employees needs adaptation, especially if you're used to having Saturday offs because they work on Saturdays but have off on Fridays to accomodate the largely muslim population to attend Friday prayers.
It's a very laid back country compared to this crazy work-everyday everynight Singapore.
Singaporeans would love to stay in Brunei if they wish to have a total change of environment.
If you're looking to pub or club, be disappointed because there aint one to begin with. It's 'Haram' (prohibited) in Muslim context and since it's a muslim nation, it's strictly not allowed.
Private party helps I guess? khekhekhe
Liverpool fans, your jerseys will never be hung up on display for the sponsor is Carlsberg. Having said that, alcohol is not served too in this Sultanate.
Cigarettes are cheap there too.
1/10 of the price there or thereabouts.
If you are travelling there, be sure that you can drive so you can rent a car or be ready to ask for a ride if you're lucky enough to get one from one of the many warm and friendly citizens.
Thanks again to everyone who made my stay there memorable!!
