Thursday, April 3, 2008

Halal State

What's Abd?!!
Travelling to Brunei has been a very eventful and cheerful experience.
Surrounded by friends whom I've known only for just a few months but feels like family and enjoying the flora and fauna like a local.
Travelling in the sultanate state is easy IF you have a vehicle. Public transportation is available but I hardly came across one during my stay there.
I did saw bus stands eventually but did not see cabs or buses that ever so often I see in Singapore.
Indeed, Brunei seems a lot like a land of opportunities for businesses.
The weird working days for government employees needs adaptation, especially if you're used to having Saturday offs because they work on Saturdays but have off on Fridays to accomodate the largely muslim population to attend Friday prayers.
It's a very laid back country compared to this crazy work-everyday everynight Singapore.
Singaporeans would love to stay in Brunei if they wish to have a total change of environment.
If you're looking to pub or club, be disappointed because there aint one to begin with. It's 'Haram' (prohibited) in Muslim context and since it's a muslim nation, it's strictly not allowed.
Private party helps I guess? khekhekhe
Liverpool fans, your jerseys will never be hung up on display for the sponsor is Carlsberg. Having said that, alcohol is not served too in this Sultanate.
Cigarettes are cheap there too.
1/10 of the price there or thereabouts.
If you are travelling there, be sure that you can drive so you can rent a car or be ready to ask for a ride if you're lucky enough to get one from one of the many warm and friendly citizens.
Thanks again to everyone who made my stay there memorable!!



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